How We Work
DataDENT works to strengthen nutrition data value chains within and across low- and middle-income countries. We maintain that when essential data are available and used by national and subnational decision-makers across sectors, they will make more effective decisions and accelerate progress in addressing all forms of malnutrition. We recognize that data are only one of many forces influencing decision-making; however, we seek to maximize the potential of data to support effective multisector nutrition policies and programs.

Human-centered approach
DataDENT takes a collaborative human-centered approach to strengthening nutrition measurement. We put the people who support the data value chain at the center of our work and listen to understand what is important to them.

We are committed to being complementary to, rather than competitive with, other efforts in the nutrition measurement space, to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively. The Data for Nutrition Community of Practice provides a forum for knowledge sharing and collaborative engagement to all stakeholders working in nutrition measurement across LMIC.

Local engagement to Global Goods
DataDENT brings together our learning from country engagement and the knowledge and experience of other institutions and initiatives to inform “global goods” that address common barriers to building strong nutrition information systems across LMICs. These include technical notes, guidance documents, frameworks, tools, and multi-country publications.