Survey sampling strategies: Geospatial sampling with the Simple Spatial Survey Method (S3M)

Household surveys are a primary source of nutrition data in many countries. Fundamental decisions about survey sampling have big implications for the cost and use of data. The ‘Survey Sampling Strategies’ DfN webinar series examines different methods for household survey sampling and why they may be preferred for different use cases.

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During the first webinar in the ‘Survey Sampling Strategies’ webinar series, speaker Mark Myatt (Brixton Health) will showcase S3M, an area-based sampling method. His presentation will share how S3M can be used to assess risk of micronutrient deficiency, program targeting efficiency and program coverage among other indicators as well as share examples from a study conducted in Sudan. Q&A moderated by Rebecca Heidkamp (JHSPH) will follow the presentation.


Mark Myatt
Consultant Epidemiologist, Brixton Health


Rebecca Heidkamp
Associate Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
@JohnsHopkinsSPH, @JohnsHopkinsIH, @Data_DENT, @r_heidkamp