Tools & Resources
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Health sector recommendations for nutrition indicators collected nationally in Nigeria
These resources share the recommendations for government, donors, and development partners involved in planning and implementation of national nutrition data collection in Nigeria.
Advocacy organizations and nutrition policy in Nigeria: Identifying metrics for enhanced efficacy
This article proposes a set of metrics for assessing advocacy efficacy in Nigeria based on the findings from a survey with nutrition stakeholders.
Using routine data for nutrition accountability: Experience from the Nigeria Governors’ Forum Nutrition Scorecard
This article outlines the use of a nutrition scorecard in Nigeria that includes nutrition outcome indicators drawn from HMIS/DHIS2 which is a critical source for routine nutrition data at the subnational level.
More to come: Taking stock of DataDENT’s 2021 achievements and 2022 plans
This blog highlights DataDENT’s 2021 achievements and 2022 plans.
Perspective from designing effective data visualization tools to empower decision-making in nutrition
This article shares DataDENT's experience of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum Nutrition Scorecard development to identify commitment indicators and other scorecard components.
Enabling environments for nutrition advocacy: A comparison of infant and young child feeding and food fortification in Nigeria
This article features findings from stakeholder interviews in Nigeria at the federal and subnational level on factors that impact advocates ability to influence policy implementation in the domains of IYCF and large-scale food fortification.
Developing effective data visualization tools for nutrition: Reflections on the design of a Nutrition Scorecard in Nigeria
This article summarizes the collaborative efforts between the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) and DataDENT on designing a nutrition scorecard to hold Nigeria’s 36 Governors accountable to nutrition commitments.
Season of data collection for child diet diversity indicators may affect conclusions about longer-term trends in Peru, Senegal and Nepal.
This article highlights the influences of seasonality on children's minimum dietary diversity in Peru, Senegal and Nepal and impacts on survey findings if seasonality is not considered.
Let’s make a plan!
This blog diseminates the Micronutrient Forum's Micronutrient Data Generation Initiative Strategic Plan, an example of a data strategy document
Measuring the Effectiveness of Nutrition Advocacy
This blog desribes DataDENT's work to design new indicators for the effectiveness of nutrition advocacy using a case-based approach.