Tableau is a popular data visualization program used by individuals in diverse fields. There are several high-profile examples of Tableau used to visualize nutrition data such as UNICEF/WHO/World Bank’s Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates, UNICEF/WHO’s Global Breastfeeding Collective scorecards, and UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children 2019. In December 2019, DataDENT used Tableau to visualize Global Nutrition Report countries that have insufficient data to monitor progress on four global nutrition targets.
Tableau is increasingly being used to visualize nutrition data, however, Tableau can be intimidating to learn. As a follow up to DataDENT’s Together for Nutrition West African Data Forum skills building session “Making better figures: visualizing data for different audiences,” Tricia Aung (DataDENT) has prepared several short tutorials to help you easily make four types of data visualizations using Tableau Public: dot plot/equiplot, dumbbell plot, lollipop plot, and a world map. Click here to access the tutorials.
What software/programs do you use to visualize nutrition data? Share your experiences visualizing nutrition data in the comments!