Data availability on Nutrition Sensitive
Social Protection Programs (NSSPPs) across
population-based surveys in South Asia

Brief | PDF 312 KB

Date of Publication |  July 2022

Key Findings: 

• All South Asian countries regularly conducted household surveys to collect data on income, expenditure, health, and nutrition.

• Data on Nutrition Sensitive Social Protection Programs (NSSPPs) was available in most of the countries.

• Data on NSSPP coverage and nutrition outcomes and determinants are generally not available in the same survey. 

• Across countries, data are only available for half of the NSSPPs that exist.

Suggested Citation

Neupane S, Scott S, Jangid M, Shapleigh S, Kim SS, Akseer N, Heidkamp R, and Menon P. 2022. Data Availability on Nutrition Sensitive Social Protection Programs (NSSPPs) Across Population-based Surveys in South Asia. New Delhi: DataDENT / International Food Policy Research Institute.