Data for Nutrition 2021 Evaluation

The Data for Nutrition (DfN) community of practice (CoP) was developed by a collaborative “launch team” under the leadership of the Data for Decisions to Expand Nutrition Transformation (DataDENT) initiative in December 2019. The DfN community mission is to provide “members with opportunities to share knowledge, experience and questions relevant to strengthening the nutrition data value chain (DVC) at all levels for the purposes of achieving better nutritional outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.”

Between October 2021 and March 2022, an independent consultant conducted a formative evaluation of the Data for Nutrition community of practice to: 

1) inform decisions about the continuation of the CoP beyond the life of the current DataDENT grant (i.e., August 2021); and 

2) identify ways that the aims, design and administration of the CoP can be improved to better meet member needs and enhance the user experience.

Summary Report | PDF 828KB

Qualitative Survey Tool | PDF 190KB

Quantitative Survey Tool | PDF 429KB

Date of Publication | March 2022

Brief (English) | PDF 395KB

Date of Publication | May 2022