Tools & Resources
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Who needs nutrition data? Reflections from DataDENT in Nigeria
This blog shares some early findings from a nutrition data assessment in Nigeria among stakeholders working in agriculture, education, social protection, WASH, and emergency sectors.
Co-coverage of social protection programs and maternal and child nutrition interventions in Bangladesh, India and Nepal
This article explores data availability for social protection and health & nutrition interventions in women and children to estimate their coverage and co-coverage in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal.
Taking action: Improve the nutrition content in DHS Round 9 Surveys
This blog captures joint recommendations around four topic areas for the DHS-9 questionnaire revision.
Bridging the humanitarian and development divide through nutrition information systems
This blog explores the roles that nutrition information systems (NIS) play in supporting a more unified approach to nutrition and food security responses along the humanitarian-development continuum.
Data literacy in a world with both too much and too little data
This blog highlights the importance of strong data literacy and a culture of data use for teams to effectively navigate their nutrition data landscapes.
Developing pathways to cross-sector coordination of nutrition data in Nigeria
This blog provides an update on DataDENT's efforts in Nigeria to improve coordination of nutrition data across sectors.
Ensuring readiness to monitor the reach of new nutrition interventions: A call to invest in coverage indicator development and validation
This blog builds a case for investing in the design and validation of new intervention coverage indicators within ongoing trials, evaluations and implementation research.
How can we build capacity for data analysis and translation? Learning from Countdown to 2030
This blog highlights learning from the Countdown to 2030 approach to capacity strengthening for data analysis and use.
Diet quality among mothers and children in India: Roles of social and behavior change communication and nutrition-sensitive social protection programs
This article presents findings from co-coverage analysis of behavior change communication (SBCC) and nutrition-sensitive social protection (NSSP) programs on maternal and child diet quality in India.
Identifying measures for coverage of nutrition-sensitive social protection programs: Learnings from India
The study identifies challenges with NSSP indicator specification, question design and co-coverage analysis on reaching women and children in India.