Poverty pushes almost one in every 10 children around the world to skip school and work to earn. Such conditions can perpetuate the vicious cycle of poverty and malnutrition. Amid all this, can school help? School meal programs have emerged as a beacon of hope,...
Who is being reached by nutrition-sensitive social protection programs? Advancing methods for measuring NSSP coverage using household surveys
Nutrition-sensitive social protection (NSSP) refers to a subset of social protection poverty alleviation programs that include targeting approaches, interventions, and conditions to address the underlying determinants of malnutrition (Ruel 2013). Design features that...
How many tablets did you take during pregnancy? Addressing the challenges of maternal micronutrient coverage measurement
Maternal nutrition has been gaining traction as a policy priority across low-and middle-income countries (LMIC). Investing in good nutrition for women before and during pregnancy is fundamental for the health and survival of both mothers and infants. According to the...
Filling the capacity gap to support the scale-up of multisector nutrition data platforms in Ethiopia
DataDENT champions strategic planning, financing, and capacity strengthening as pillars of a strong enabling environment for nutrition data. DataDENT has supported governments and partners in Africa and South Asia in developing strategic outputs harmonized with...
Linking food security and nutrition through data: Metrics to use and core competencies needed for food and nutrition data literacy
In June 2023, DataDENT participated in a side session at the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy Week (ANH2023) held in Malawi and online. The session, Going Deeper with Data and Methods to Improve Understanding of Food and Nutrition Security Linkages, was a...
Beyond Borders: Insights from challenges in collecting nutrition data from United States household surveys
Low, middle, and high-income countries (LMIC) face similar challenges when collecting population-level data to inform nutrition policies & programs. Earlier this year, the American Society of Nutrition's (ASN) Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy published a...
Strategic leadership, financing & capacity strengthening: Essential elements for a strong nutrition data value chain
"Finding high-value uses and creating a process to transform raw data into actionable information is the essence of the data value chain. …. Ultimately, when data are put to use, they have an impact: a decision is made, a condition is altered, and someone’s well-being...
Making school feeding count for nutrition: A call for investing in more and better data
Poverty pushes almost one in every 10 children around the world to skip school and work to earn. Such conditions can perpetuate the vicious cycle of poverty and malnutrition. Amid all this, can school help? School meal programs have emerged as a beacon of hope,...
Who is being reached by nutrition-sensitive social protection programs? Advancing methods for measuring NSSP coverage using household surveys
Nutrition-sensitive social protection (NSSP) refers to a subset of social protection poverty alleviation programs that include targeting approaches, interventions, and conditions to address the underlying determinants of malnutrition (Ruel 2013). Design features that...
How many tablets did you take during pregnancy? Addressing the challenges of maternal micronutrient coverage measurement
Maternal nutrition has been gaining traction as a policy priority across low-and middle-income countries (LMIC). Investing in good nutrition for women before and during pregnancy is fundamental for the health and survival of both mothers and infants. According to the...
Filling the capacity gap to support the scale-up of multisector nutrition data platforms in Ethiopia
DataDENT champions strategic planning, financing, and capacity strengthening as pillars of a strong enabling environment for nutrition data. DataDENT has supported governments and partners in Africa and South Asia in developing strategic outputs harmonized with...
Linking food security and nutrition through data: Metrics to use and core competencies needed for food and nutrition data literacy
In June 2023, DataDENT participated in a side session at the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy Week (ANH2023) held in Malawi and online. The session, Going Deeper with Data and Methods to Improve Understanding of Food and Nutrition Security Linkages, was a...
Beyond Borders: Insights from challenges in collecting nutrition data from United States household surveys
Low, middle, and high-income countries (LMIC) face similar challenges when collecting population-level data to inform nutrition policies & programs. Earlier this year, the American Society of Nutrition's (ASN) Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy published a...
Strategic leadership, financing & capacity strengthening: Essential elements for a strong nutrition data value chain
"Finding high-value uses and creating a process to transform raw data into actionable information is the essence of the data value chain. …. Ultimately, when data are put to use, they have an impact: a decision is made, a condition is altered, and someone’s well-being...