Blogs by Year

Measuring food fortification coverage in large-scale household surveys: Challenges and opportunities

Samuel Scott (IFPRI), Svenja Jungjohann (GAIN), Sunny Kim (IFPRI)

Micronutrient deficiencies affect 1 in 3 persons globally and contribute to disease and lost productivity. Large-scale food fortification (LSFF) is a widely used strategy to address micronutrient deficiencies by adding micronutrients to staple foods at the point of...

Voice, access, and ownership: Enabling environments for nutrition advocacy in India and Nigeria

Resnick D, Anigo KM, Anjorin O, et al. Journal of Food Security. 2023

Journal Article | Date of Publication | June 2023 Abstract What constitutes an enabling environment for nutrition advocacy in low- and middle-income countries? While a sizeable body of scholarship...

Measuring food fortification coverage in large-scale household surveys: Challenges and opportunities

Samuel Scott (IFPRI), Svenja Jungjohann (GAIN), Sunny Kim (IFPRI)

Micronutrient deficiencies affect 1 in 3 persons globally and contribute to disease and lost productivity. Large-scale food fortification (LSFF) is a widely used strategy to address micronutrient deficiencies by adding micronutrients to staple foods at the point of...

Voice, access, and ownership: Enabling environments for nutrition advocacy in India and Nigeria

Resnick D, Anigo KM, Anjorin O, et al. Journal of Food Security. 2023

Journal Article | Date of Publication | June 2023 Abstract What constitutes an enabling environment for nutrition advocacy in low- and middle-income countries? While a sizeable body of scholarship...

Blogs by Year