The global nutrition community is remarkably diverse: its stakeholders include people working in vastly different fields, from health to agriculture, to water and sanitation and in roles ranging from program management to policy development to issue-based advocacy....
Tracking India’s progress on addressing malnutrition and enhancing the use of data to improve programs
In collaboration with Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India (POSHAN), NITI Aayog, and ID Insight, DataDENT developed a joint report addressing considerations for improving the availability and use of data to improve...
Nutrition data use and needs: Findings from an online survey of global nutrition stakeholders
Journal Article: | PDF 1,038KB Publication Date | December 2020 Abstract To document what type of information decision-makers at various levels are currently using and what type of information they...
Nutrition Indicator Framework India
Report | 429KB Date of Publication | December 2020 In collaboration with Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India (POSHAN), NITI Aayog, and IDinsight, DataDENT developed a joint report addressing considerations for...
Nutrition data use and needs: Findings from an online survey of global nutrition stakeholders
Journal Article: PDF 1,038KB Publication Date | December 2020 To document what type of information decision-makers at various levels are currently using and what type of information they still need, Data for Decisions to Expand Nutrition Transformation (DataDENT)...
Evidence and lessons on improving data use and quality in India’s nutrition program
To strengthen nutrition information systems and improve nutrition outcomes in India, we must improve data quality and facilitate the use of data at all levels. This was the theme of one of the key thematic sessions at ‘Delivering for Nutrition in India: Insights from...
Implications of updating the minimum dietary diversity for children indicator for tracking progress in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region
Journal Article | Date of Publication | September 2020 Abstract: Minimum dietary diversity (MDD), a population-level dietary quality indicator, is commonly used across low- and middle-income countries to characterize diets of...
South Asia is far from achieving universal coverage of essential nutrition interventions: Examining coverage, trends, and inequities, 2005 to 2018
ASN Nutrition 2020, June 1-4, 2020 (Virtual) In ASN Nutrition in 2020, DataDENT shared coverage, trends, and inequities in South Asia to achieve universal coverage of essential nutrition interventions. DataDENT shared our work “South Asia Is Far from Achieving...
Expanded nutrition content in the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)-8 core questionnaires
DataDENT played a key role in mobilizing the nutrition community to identify, prioritize and draft recommendations for the DHS Round 8. Access the Expanded nutrition content in the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)-8 core questionnaires
Nutrition Indicator Framework – India
Policy Note | 109KB Date of Publication | June 2020 In collaboration with Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India (POSHAN), DataDENT co-funded an activity identifying an indicator list and respective data availability...
What data do nutrition stakeholders use and how can we better meet their needs?
The global nutrition community is remarkably diverse: its stakeholders include people working in vastly different fields, from health to agriculture, to water and sanitation and in roles ranging from program management to policy development to issue-based advocacy....
Tracking India’s progress on addressing malnutrition and enhancing the use of data to improve programs
In collaboration with Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India (POSHAN), NITI Aayog, and ID Insight, DataDENT developed a joint report addressing considerations for improving the availability and use of data to improve...
Nutrition data use and needs: Findings from an online survey of global nutrition stakeholders
Journal Article: | PDF 1,038KB Publication Date | December 2020 Abstract To document what type of information decision-makers at various levels are currently using and what type of information they...
Nutrition Indicator Framework India
Report | 429KB Date of Publication | December 2020 In collaboration with Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India (POSHAN), NITI Aayog, and IDinsight, DataDENT developed a joint report addressing considerations for...
Nutrition data use and needs: Findings from an online survey of global nutrition stakeholders
Journal Article: PDF 1,038KB Publication Date | December 2020 To document what type of information decision-makers at various levels are currently using and what type of information they still need, Data for Decisions to Expand Nutrition Transformation (DataDENT)...
Evidence and lessons on improving data use and quality in India’s nutrition program
To strengthen nutrition information systems and improve nutrition outcomes in India, we must improve data quality and facilitate the use of data at all levels. This was the theme of one of the key thematic sessions at ‘Delivering for Nutrition in India: Insights from...
Implications of updating the minimum dietary diversity for children indicator for tracking progress in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region
Journal Article | Date of Publication | September 2020 Abstract: Minimum dietary diversity (MDD), a population-level dietary quality indicator, is commonly used across low- and middle-income countries to characterize diets of...
South Asia is far from achieving universal coverage of essential nutrition interventions: Examining coverage, trends, and inequities, 2005 to 2018
ASN Nutrition 2020, June 1-4, 2020 (Virtual) In ASN Nutrition in 2020, DataDENT shared coverage, trends, and inequities in South Asia to achieve universal coverage of essential nutrition interventions. DataDENT shared our work “South Asia Is Far from Achieving...
Expanded nutrition content in the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)-8 core questionnaires
DataDENT played a key role in mobilizing the nutrition community to identify, prioritize and draft recommendations for the DHS Round 8. Access the Expanded nutrition content in the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)-8 core questionnaires
Nutrition Indicator Framework – India
Policy Note | 109KB Date of Publication | June 2020 In collaboration with Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India (POSHAN), DataDENT co-funded an activity identifying an indicator list and respective data availability...